5 Takeaways from Successful Unboxing Experiences

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The unboxing experience has shifted from a differentiator to a necessity for companies. As more organizations embrace this idea, they can draw from the successes of others to inspire their own efforts.

Here are some well-known companies making a mark with their unboxing experience, and the lessons we can learn from their creative initiatives.


What We Can Learn From Popular Unboxing Experiences


“Less Is More”

Just like the products they sell, Apple has created an unboxing experience that is minimalistic. With the notion that “design is how it works,” the packaging puts the product front and center to deliver an immediate reward without clutter. 
1 in 5 consumers have watched an unboxing video.


“Play Off Performance”

Nike isn’t a company that’s afraid to think outside of the box — literally. Rather than leaning on traditional packaging, they cleverly showcased their Nike Air sneakers in air-tight plastic bags that give the visual of the shoes floating.

Trunk Club

“Style and Function”

As Trunk Club helps customers build better wardrobes, they’ve also found a way to build a better unboxing experience. Packages are made to look like vintage suitcases, with functional handles that help round out the trunk-like feel. 
In 2015, 60% of consumers claimed that packaging affected their perception of a brand. By 2016, this rose to 68%.


“Tell a Compelling Narrative”

TOMS shoes is centered around the idea of giving back — and their packaging emulates this. Not only do they use eco-friendly materials, but the shoebox features messaging on how each purchase gives a pair of shoes to a child in need. 


“Show a Product In Use”

Considering all of the light bulbs on a store shelf, standing out from the pack can prove difficult. SunLumen found a creative way to do this. To symbolize brightness in a dark space, they put a bright orange light bulb against a black background. 
4 in 10 consumers would share an image of a delivery on social media if the item arrived in a unique package.

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