From casting to polishing, precision is needed at every step of the manufacturing process for medical implants. This attention to detail is just as important in how a device is handled once manufacturing is complete. Medical implants must remain perfectly smooth and scratch-free, all while ensuring efficiency is maintained throughout the supply chain. Facing these obstacles, a major medical implant manufacturer teamed up with Cases By Source to identify a solution.
To minimize product loss due to mishandling, Cases By Source developed custom case trays with foam inserts to use on the production floor. We were able to identify a material that would not be abrasive to the medical implants, keeping them free of imperfections once robots nested the devices inside their respective foam trays — no human touch needed!
Then, there was the question of differentiation. From a distance, the small, medium and large medical implants looked quite similar in appearance, making it unclear what was actually on the production line and creating inefficiencies. Color coding the foam trays based on the relevant size helped to alleviate this headache and keep everyone on the production line accountable.
"Medical implants must remain perfectly smooth and scratch-free, all while ensuring efficiency is maintained throughout the supply chain."
In every manufacturing process, there’s a pressure to balance quality with efficiency — and this is an example of how we helped a medical implant manufacturer do just that. With our custom color-coded trays, the manufacturer further prevented contamination of medical implants on the production floor and was able to better manage their inventory at a glance. Connecting these dots created a workflow where medical implants could be transported faster, with confidence that the device was perfectly smooth in order to work perfectly in the body.
Cases By Source
40 Whitney Road
Mahwah, NJ 07430
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